Reasonable adjustments

Candidates who have a disability or other health-related or educational need that might interfere with their ability to sit the test in the standard manner should apply for Reasonable Adjustments via their online ACER account. This should be done as soon as possible after registration. New applications must be submitted each time a candidate sits LAT. Arrangements will only be valid for the test cycle and year the application is submitted.

  Applications for Reasonable Adjustments must be submitted no later than the close of late registrations. See Homepage for exact date.

How to apply

After submitting the online registration, candidates must also submit an online application for Reasonable Adjustments, with supporting documentation, to the LAT Office for review.

To apply, candidates should:

  • login to their online ACER account
  • click Manage registration
  • click Apply under Reasonable Adjustments
  • complete the required information, upload their supporting documents and then click Submit Application.

The LAT Office will email candidates regarding their application status and what they need to do next.

Supporting documentation

Supporting documentation must be from a registered health practitioner and must:

  • give a clear diagnosis and information on the candidate's condition(s)
  • indicate the impact of the condition(s) in test settings
  • include a statement as to the relevant adjustments the health practitioner feels are appropriate for the candidate in test settings
  • be typed on the medical practitioner's official letterhead
  • include the date, registration number, title, name, contact details and signature of the medical practitioner.

The documentation must be no more than 3 years old for learning disabilities and no more than 1 year old for other health-related needs or disabilities. While some conditions/disorders (such as some mental health conditions and neurodevelopmental disorders) can be life-long, currency requirements must be met, as functional limitation of these disorders may vary depending on various factors such as the candidate’s age and environmental demands. Please email the LAT Office if you have any questions around currency of your supporting documentation.

Candidates with learning disabilities should submit a copy of an appropriate educational psychologist’s report for consideration. If the report is more than 3 years old, it will still be accepted as long as it is accompanied by a recent letter from a psychologist stating that the information in the report is still applicable to the candidate as they are today. 

List of Common Reasonable Adjustments

  • Permission to have blood glucose testing kit and insulin.
  • Permission to have medication.
  • Permission to have food/drink.
  • Permission to stand and stretch.
  • Extra time to complete a test.
  • Rest breaks.

ACER does not offer spelling waivers for candidates with dyslexia when granting Reasonable Adjustments.

All requests are assessed on a case-by-case basis and all reasonable efforts will be made to provide relevant adjustments appropriate to the candidate’s needs. 

All information provided in an application for Reasonable Adjustments will be treated confidentially in accordance with the LAT Privacy Statement and the ACER Privacy Policy.

 Once the test has been completed there is no possibility of reviewing or giving special consideration to test results, such as adjusting results for any perceived or actual disadvantage. Consequently, it is important that any such adjustment be applied for in accordance with ACER's Reasonable Adjustments procedure. This will ensure such adjustments are made in advance of the test session.